Assetto Corsa: Competizione (All Platforms) Ford Mustang GT3 Update (2024 June 3)
Assetto Corsa: Competizione (All Platforms) Nurburgring DLC Update (2024 May 2)
Assetto Corsa: Competizione (Xbox Series X|S, PS5) v1.9.8.3 Patch Notes (2024 February 27)
Bloodstained PS4/XB1 1.21 Patch Notes (25 Feb 2021)
Bloodstained (All Platforms) Update #1.5 (2024 May 9)
Bloodstained (All Platforms) Update 1.6 (2024 October 22)
Crime Boss: Rockay City (All Platforms) Update 14 (2025 March 11)
Crime Boss: Rockay City ( All Platforms) Update 13.2 (2025 January 14)
Crime Boss: Rockay City (All Platforms) Update 13 (2024 December 12)
DRIFTCE (Steam, XSX, XB1, PS5, PS4) Takuya Track update (2023 December 19)
Drift 21 (Steam) Toyota update Patch Notes (2021 December 9)
Drift 21 (Steam) Haruna Update (2023 June 22)
アップデートパッチ配信のお知らせ(2024.7.23 9:00JST)
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes (All Platforms) DAY60 Patch (2024 July 22)
アップデートパッチ配信のお知らせ(2024.7.4 9:00JST)
Gems of War (All Platforms) 8.2 Update: 10th Anniversary! (2024 October 28)
Gems Of War (All Platforms) Hotfix v7.4.1 (2024 March 18)
Gems of War (All Platforms) 7.4 Update: Pillars of Light (2024 March 5)
Ghostrunner (All Platforms) Anniversary Pack Update (2024 October 30)
Ghostrunner 2 (All Platforms) Endless Moto Mode (2024 September 5)
Ghostrunner 2 (All Platforms) Update16 (2024 July 8)
Grow: Song of the Evertree (Steam) Hotifix 1 (2021 November 18)
Grow: song of the Evertree (PC, Console) Patch 3 (2021 December 1)
Grow: Song of the Evertree (Steam) Hotifix 2 (2021 December 3)
Hawken Reborn (Steam) Hotfix (2024 March 12)
Hawken Reborn (Steam) Hotfix (2024 March 1)
Hawken Reborn (Steam) Version (2024 February 27)
Miasma Chronicles (Steam, EPIC, GOG, PS5) v1.01, v1.0.1, v1.0.0.3 (2023 May 30)
Miasma Chronicles (Steam, GOG 1.1.1) (PS5 v1.0.0.4) (Xbox X|S v1.0.0.6) Patch Notes (2023 June 6th)
Miasma Chronicles (PS5 v1.0.0.5) (2023 June 16)
Puzzle Quest 3 (All Platforms) A Broken Dream (2024 April 8)
Puzzle Quest 3 (All Platforms) Update 3.0 (2024 March 25)
Puzzle Quest 3 (PC, Console, Mobile) Update 2.5 (2024 January 30)
Red Solstice 2: Survivors (Steam) Update 3.0 (2024 September 2)
- Liquid error: 822: unexpected token at '{ "url": "/support/solutions/articles/150000146970-red-solstice-2-survivors-pc-1-0-patch-notes-2021-june-17-", "class": "d-flex", "content": "<div class='pe-8'><span class='icon-article'></span></div><div class='line-clamp-2'>Red Solstice 2: Survivors PC 1.0 Patch Notes (2021 June 17)</div>" } '
What are the specs of the game
Rogue Spirit Demo (PC) 0.141 Patch Notes (15 Jun 2021)
Rogue Spirit Demo (PC) 0.6 Patch Notes (24 Nov 2021)
Rogue Spirit (Steam) December Update v0.7 Patch Notes (2021 December 15)
Stray Blade (PC, XSX, PS5) Valley of Strays (2023 November 15)
Stray Blade (Steam, EPIC, XsX|S, PS5) Day 0 Update (2023 April 20)
Stray Blade (Steam, EPIC, PS5) Day 1 Update (2023 April 20)
Terraria Journey’s End Update (1.4) - PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Terraria (PS4/XB1) Patch Notes (2021 December 7)
Terraria (Switch) Patch Notes (2022 January 18)
CE-107880-4 "Something went wrong." I can't download my DLC on PS5.
I own the Season Pass on PS4/PS5, and I'm being asked to purchase the 2020 GTWC Pack DLC again.
How do I join a console private server in Assetto Corsa Competizione?
What is a Battle ID and where can I find it?
What is the Top Players Leaderboard and how does the new season work?
How do I advance to the next age?
What is a Battle ID and where can I find it?
Help, I lost my Battle Islands save game!
What can I do to ensure that I don't lose my Battle Islands save data?
What is Battle Islands: Commanders?
What is a Theater Promotion bundle?
What is the difference between a Ranked Battle and Training Battle?
What do I do if I have a code or fulfillment issue with my Bloodstained Kickstarter order?
I can’t push the crate on the galleon in the Beta Backer Demo. What can I do?
Where do I go for support and code redemption issues for Curse of the Moon?
I'm stuck in the game Brothers, and I can't continue!
I quit out of the game Brothers, restarted a chapter, and my game crashed! (Xbox One)
Are there exclusive features in the iOS version of Brothers? (iOS)
I Can't Access the DLC After Purchasing the Ultimate Edition
How do I access the AWE content in Control?
Do I have to be online to play Control Ultimate Edition?
What is Crime Boss: Rockay City about?
Is Rockay City in Miami?
What are the minimum/recommended specs required in order to run Crime Boss: Rockay City on PC?
I own the base game and now I can't activate my Humble Choice (April 2023) version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT
I'm receiving an Access Violation or other crash in DEATH STRANDING.
Does DEATH STRANDING for PC include new gameplay features?
Why can't I purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT on the iPhone and Mac in France yet?
Will DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT on iPhone and Mac implement Denuvo?
Does DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT support in-game achievements?
[ALL FORMATS] Does Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes require an internet connection to play?
[PC] Does Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes have ultrawide support?
[PC] Does Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes have keyboard and mouse support?
Does the Nintendo Switch edition of Gems of War have online multiplayer?
Does Gems of War support local wireless play on Nintendo Switch?
Can I use a Switch Pro Controller to play Gems of War?
Will there be a reward skin for completing Roguerunner.exe Mode? If so, what is the name of the sword/hand skin?
Is the expansion Mode available only after finishing the game?
Ghostrunner 2 Description
What is Ghostrunner?
What is Ghostrunner's framerate on the Nintendo Switch?
Are there various difficulties for Ghostrunner?
Unable to load my save-file on console after playing on PC
Players on Xbox can't invite friends playing on PC Game Pass
Does the game have PvP?
What is Horace all about?
Is there a physical version of Horace?
How long does it take to finish Horace?
I'm an Indiegogo backer and I haven't received some or all of my stuff. What can I do?
Indivisible crashes when I Alt-Tab using Fullscreen mode
Indivisible crashes on PC during the initial loading screen
A message from the Kindred Aerospace CEO
I own the physical version of the game. Do I get Employee of the Month?
I already have Journey to the Savage Planet on PS5/XsX|S, do I get Employee of the Month for free?
I get a black screen when starting the game, what can I do?
When starting Last Day of June, the game crashes instantly without an error message. What should I do?
Where are the save points in Last Day of June?
What is Miasma Chronicles?
What are the min & recommended specs required for Miasma Chronicles to run on PC?
Will there be multiplayer?
What's new in the 1.7.0 update for Portal Knights?
Portal Knights on PS4 gets laggy and sometimes completely freezes on me. What can I do?
Do I need to regenerate my Adventure Mode Universe to play Creative Mode?
How can I reduce lag in the Google Play version of Portal Knights?
How do I activate flying in Creative Mode?
Where can I find the in-game Shop?
What is Rogue Spirit all about?
Is there a bug report form for Rogue Spirit?
What are the minimum / recommended specs required in order to run Rogue Spirit on PC?
What is Stray Blade all about?
Who develops Stray Blade?
What are the minimum / recommended specs required in order to run Stray Blade on PC?
Will old gen platforms ever get the new updates?
Can I bring Xbox 360 save files to Xbox One?
Can I bring Vita/PS3 save files to PS4/PS5?
I purchased Terraria but I can’t download it? Google Play is telling me to purchase the game again.
My Guide or other NPCs are not respawning!
I threw the Guide Voodoo Doll in the lava and the Wall of Flesh is not spawning!
ABZU crashed on PC (fatal error) and now it won't open at all! What should I do?
I'm having problems running ABZU on my PC. What can I do?
How can I improve ABZU's performance and framerate on PC?
Which steering wheels are supported by Assetto Corsa?
My H-Shifter isn't working. Can I use one with the console editions of Assetto Corsa?
What is the difference between the Assetto Corsa PERFORMANCE and PRESTIGE packs?
I returned to my camp, and all of my stuff is gone! Can you help restore it?
I get a missing MSVCP110.dll error. What is that?
How to Survive 2 crashes while loading. What can I do?
Why can't I change my video settings?
How is this game different from the original How To Survive (HTS)? Isn't it just a new camera?
How did you come up with the Third Person Standalone idea?
Where can I report bugs and leave feedback for Memories of Mars?
How do I set up a dedicated server for Memories of Mars?
Are there any known issues with Memories of Mars?
Open Country Console 1.03 Patch Notes (2021 July 08)
Open Country PC Patch Notes (2021 June 24)
How do I access the Snowridge Pack DLC items?
Some of my achievements won't pop in Payday 2: Crimewave Edition. Anything I can do?
Why aren't the Hard, Very Hard, OVERKILL, and Death Wish difficulty masks unlocking for me?
Can I transfer my Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 (PS3) save file to the Crimewave Edition?
The mic function no longer works. What happened?
Is 505 Games the right place to go for Hawken support?
Are the console versions of Hawken being discontinued?
I keep getting an error message when trying to access Sniper Elite 3's DLC. What can I do?
What extra content comes with the Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate Edition? Where can I find it?
My connection on Xbox 360 is unstable/doesn't work with the game. What can I do?
Technical Support (2)
Quick help for common problems, game bugs and performance issues.
Game Guides (3)
Guides and tips on how the game works and information on new features.